No matter the size of your bathroom, it’s important to make the most of the space. If your bathroom has a tub you never use, consider transforming it into a stylish shower with a tub-to-shower conversion.
Since 2017, GRC Prime Bath has completed thousands of bathroom remodeling projects. Along the way, we’ve earned many positive reviews and built a reputation as the trusted choice for Seattle bathroom renovations.
Whether you’re updating for a fresh look or better functionality, or because you need an accessible solution, our highly-reviewed bathroom remodeling company can help.
Want to get an idea of what to expect from our Silverdale bathroom remodelers?
Take a look at images of our past projects and read our reviews. Once you do, you’ll see why we’re the smart choice for your Silverdale tub-to-shower conversion.
Fast, Affordable Silverdale Bathroom Conversions
Some Seattle homeowners put off a bathroom conversion because they don’t want to deal with the hassle of a lengthy renovation—but you won’t have to worry about that when you work with us!
Our Silverdale bathroom remodelers complete most bathroom conversion installations in just one day. Fast installation isn’t the only reason to choose our Seattle bathroom remodeling company for your tub-to-shower conversion.
Other benefits include:
- Premium Materials: We install replacement tubs and showers that check every box for style, durability, and easy maintenance.
- Expert Workmanship: Only skilled professionals work on projects for us, so you can count on us to provide expert craftsmanship and beautiful results.
- Competitive Prices: We do what we can to keep our prices competitive without sacrificing quality. We also offer simple financing with attractive terms that make it easier to budget for the bathroom remodel you want.
- Industry-Leading Warranties: You’ll have peace of mind knowing your investment in a bathroom conversion is protected by strong warranties.
Do you need an accessible solution? GRC Prime Bath can help with that, too. We offer bathtub-to-walk-in-bathtub conversions that give you the added safety you need.
Schedule a Free Consultation with Our Trusted Silverdale Bath Conversion Specialists
GRC Prime Bath looks forward to helping you get started with your Seattle bathroom conversion. Contact our Silverdale bathroom remodeling contractors today for more information about all the highly reviewed services we offer, including:
- Bathtubs
- Showers
- Bathroom Conversions
Call to speak with a member of our team and ask any questions you may have. You can also fill out our online form now to schedule a free design consultation and accurate cost estimate.